Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been present in numerous industries for considerable time. Companies have been leveraging AI-based models for numerous applications. The advent of Generative AI (GenAI), however, marks a pivotal evolution, offering the potential to revolutionize entire sectors across the economy.

Give the complexity and multitude of potential applications of Gen-AI, one of the very first steps to assist a firm in better navigating and evaluating the potential positive impact of an AI-Transformation is to adopt real-life use cases that concretely demonstrate the benefits that can be obtained.


The rise of Generative AI marks a significant shift, showing potential to radically transform most industries

Gen-AI in Quality Management

One of the main advantages that an AI-led approach can provide in Quality Management is on deviation analysis. Increasing process complexity and regulation, along with a dispersion of records and recording platform, added to time pressures can make this a complex task.

Having to dedicate less time and energy to deviation research preparation could mean having more time to analyze information and structure potential strategies or solutions. This, in turn, could translate in to greater control and an enhanced ability to minimize the risk of future deviations.

AI-Transformation, operations, and quality:
a new era for quality management across industries

Today’s quality management systems must transcend mere deviation recording. Adopting advanced tools for data analysis in Quality Management is imperative. This will allow organizations to extract actionable insights from their quality data, enhancing CAPA processes. The ability to identify patterns and proactively address potential issues before they escalate is a critical advantage of modern analytical capabilities. Prevention has always been the ultimate objective in quality management.
To maximize their effectiveness, these tools must feature user-friendly interfaces and straightforward systems for detailed analysis. For instance, prioritizing the ability to query and analyze data in plain language can make these tools more accessible and easier to use. This not only simplifies the user experience but also ensures that the advanced features are available to a broad range of users within the organization.
Adopting a forward-thinking approach enables organizations to go beyond merely recording data. It fosters a culture of continuous improvement. The latest generation of quality management software serves a strategical purpose: empowering businesses to proactively enhance their quality standards and sustain excellence over time.


When advanced analyses need to be conducted on databases with a large amount of historical data.

When deviations, repetitions, and patterns need to be identified with a very high degree of precision and flexibility in formulating the problem statement.

When the need is to automatically identify, label and cluster group of deviations and similarities from a large pool of data.

When a clear and reasoned view of the data is needed to establish truly effective Corrective and Preventive Actions (CAPA).

When it is necessary to optimize, simplify, and expedite the workflow of analyses for reasons of timing, costs and/or team expertise



Facilitate problem investigation process

Boost compliance to problem management standards

Streamline deviation search, generation and analysis

Generate information rich data for broader analysis

Make analysis and researches easier, user friendly and more intuitive


Utilizing our extensive expertise at FibonacciLab we have designed a tool we called "Quality Booster".
Its primary focus is to analyze quality deviations and facilitate problem investigation processes.
Essentially, it can be employed in any scenario where extensive data is available, providing quick and precise answers with minimal effort. This is particularly beneficial in situations requiring advanced and highly customizable analyses, enabling the search for specific statements within the data.

Quality Booster exemplifies how - by embracing Al-Transformation principles within Operations - Quality Management can achieve unparalleled levels or speed, precision, and efficiency.

A Client Success Story Powered in Al Implementation


Our client is a global pharmaceutical company and stands as a biopharmaceutical group leader at the forefront of various healthcare domains. With a specialized focus on reproductive medicine, maternal health, gastroenterology, and urology, our client is dedicated to advancing scientific innovation with a clear commitment to a research-driven approach and a profound confidence in the transformative potential of cutting-edge investigations.


How to manage huge amount of info in short time in high level of precision.


The main goal is to become the only reliable tool for exploring past deviations.


    Improvement in Analysis Accuracy

    This is closely related to the previous two, especially to the Search Accuracy one. The combination of increased Search Accuracy and reduced Search Time (thus allowing more time to analysis) leads to an enhancement in the accuracy of the analyses, which, although lower than before, remains nevertheless high.


    Improvement in Search Accuracy

    For the same reason, the use of this approach facilitates advanced searching of pertinent, similar deviations using natural language. As a result, the accuracy of the obtained results will be much higher compared to traditional search methods.


    REDuction in search time

    Compared to keyword-based searches, which require numerous attempts, the AI-based approach understands the contextual relationships within information and can comprehend the meaning of user requests formulated in natural language. Consequently, the number of searches required to achieve the desired result is minimized.

    Increased Awareness of the production environment

    This is closely related to the previous two, especially to the Search Accuracy one. The combination of increased Search Accuracy and reduced Search Time (thus allowing more time to analysis) leads to an enhancement in the accuracy of the analyses, which, although lower than before, remains nevertheless high.

    A 4 Step Approach

    To support our client, we gathered and analyzed all outcomes from the preceding phases, formulated a new strategy, and presented a functional Proof of Concept to assess the actual value that a solution of this nature could bring to our client. To do this, we took a four-phase approach, during which the customer was actively involved both in a constant review activity and in a field-testing phase.

    We leverage our expertise in data governance and artificial intelligence to solve any challenge.


    During the initial phase, we initiated the Ignite Phase and established the groundwork for our solution, facilitated by a series of dedicated Kick-off Workshops.

    This phase played a pivotal role in collecting and analyzing available data, as well as defining expectations and creating a roadmap.


    Following this, we transitioned to the Elaboration Phase.
    Here, we focused on both refining the data structure and configuring the MS Azure setup to formulate the initial blueprint of our solution.


    The subsequent step were dedicated to the Construction Phase. Here. we concurrently developed the solution while subjecting it to constant testing by selected users from the client. The culmination of this phase was the Quality CoPilot MVP, paving the way for the final phase.


    In the final phase. we entered the Transition Phase, wherein we crafted a roadmap plan and conducted the Sharing Workshop to ensure a seamless transition and understanding of the developed solution.

    As a paramount of the project. we have developed a dedicated tool that we named 'Quality CoPilot'. The objective was to analyze quality deviations. It exemplifies now, by embracing AI- transformation principles within Operations, Quality Management can achieve unparalleled levels of speed, precision, and efficiency.

    While this specific case study focuses on Quality Management, leveraging the AI-Transformation principles extends the same type of impact to the entire end-to-end process.

    They main goal is to become the only reliable tool for exploring past deviations.

    Key Learnings

    At the Outcomes level, this experience has led to some remarkably interesting results, demonstrating in practice the value that the use of Al-powered digital solutions can bring to the client.

    Beyond the numbers and performances outlined in the first part of this dossier, the main outcomes can be summarized as follows:

    Improved search For deviations.

    SImplified definition of standard categories.

    Provided a foundation for evaluating an extension of the AI-based approach to other areas.


    The rise of Generative AI marks a significant shift, showing potential to radically transform most industries

    Why Work With Us

    A short and essential list of our cornerstones. Which are also the reasons why you might be interested in joining our team.

    Freedom and Flexibility

    Our team is international and spread all over the world. We use smart working at its highest expression, and that's why we don't care about physical workplaces. Simply we don't need them.

    We prioritize only the highest quality of work and the achievement of the goals. So we don't care if you would like to work on a Caribbean beach or in a blind basement of some old-fashion building. The HOW is totally up to you.

    Always One Step Ahead

    The entire world speaks and dreams about Digitalization and Innovation. But often words and real practice are not exactly on the same page.

    In our case Innovation it is not just a pay-off. It is what we do and what we are. Data is the lifeblood of any modern company, and we use them to keep this blood always healthy and vital. If you want to look directly into the nearly future, this is the place where you should be.

    Multidisciplinary is the key

    We believe in diversity. At every level. Being part of our team will means working and interacting daily with professionals from other industries, fields and backgrounds.

    Every project is different from the others. We work as a Boutique across multiple sectors and different clients, providing an unique and customized service and in order to do that our team must be flexible and heterogeneous.

    Another good news?
    For the same reason you will able to develop your career in the direction you want. Anytime, anywhere.

    The speakers



    VP & Managing Director, FibonacciLab
    Part of EFESO Management Consultants


    Data Manager, FibonacciLab
    Part of EFESO Management Consultants


    As a Digital Boutique we combine innovation and tradition. Seeking excellence. In everything.

    Our team consists of data scientists, SC experts, quality experts, engineers and designers. This is our multi-disciplinary recipe to give a simple answer to the complex challenges of the companies that rely on us.

    Working with us means working for innovation and for continuous improvement. With an approach that mixes consultancy, technical skills and pure creativity to create customized digital solutions for every scenario and to solve problems across different sectors.

    From automotive to chemicals, from Food&Beverage to manufacturing, our target is always the same: to find the best and most efficient answer to every possible question. To be part of the team you are not supposed to be a guru or to have a +20 years expertise.

    What we are looking for are active and proactive brains. Basically alternative thinkers and problem solvers ready to play with the puzzles of real-life business to find the smartest way to achieve our goals.

    Last but not least meritocracy matters to us. And consistency too. But the most important keyword in our daily routine is to ENJOY. Job have to be a passion before than anything else. Otherwise, what is the point?

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